Sunday 9 December 2012

Metro Line!

The picture is of 'Megan&Charlotte's Metro Line" which demonstrates how a selection of Film Noire Thrillers are connected through the conventions they include. For example lets start with the purple line which connects all of the films the class has studies which includes characters of moral ambiguity, and as we can see its one of the more popular convention with five films, along side 'voice over' (light blue line) which also connects five films. To add on another convention a new line is created which may run along side another film to create another 'station'. For example 'Essex Boys' has three 'stations' as it includes Moral Ambiguity, the Femme Fatale character and a Voice Over.

I quite like this method of demonstration how thrillers can be successful by including different conventions as its clear and colourful. I also quite like the creative use of the underground map for a displaying technique as its original.