Establishing Shots
The variety of establishing shots have to be known to those local to reprosent Norwich, or give of the impression of an urban setting to those who don't. Some of my favourite shots included the church opporsite the forum, however others worked just as well; the round about shot from a carpark above Ipswitch Road; known to those who come in and out of the city centre, and gives off the impression of a busy setting straight away due to the amount of vircles and buildings. The obscure shots of the deserted car park; a ambiguous mood. The market is a must in the establishing shots as it's well known to those visiting and those who live in Norwich.
Obscure from the tilted angle, bleek and dull mood from the reflective water and bars.
Have the same mood and stays with the stereotypes of a thriller film.
It's easy to achieve this shot.
We may not be allowed to film....
Obvious market, markets are found usually in towns/cities. Sets the scene.
Sets the scene
Logistically its easy to get to for transportation.
People walking past.
The river besides the playhouse
The reflection from the river helps enphasise the the dark backdrop scene
Gives the enigmatic feel
Accessability of the river and the bridge
Artificial lighting
People walking past
Too dark of a setting, being unable to see the scene.
Flash Back
The common in Mulbarton is perfect for what we would like to achieve; a calm area away from the rough and business the city life brings. Remote and appealing.
Achieves the goals
Timing the sun setting.
Drama room for the femme fatale. Advantages: accessable can achieve the artificial lighting easily its a blackout room Disadvantages: Booking the Room.