Saturday 23 February 2013

Character Logistics

Regarding the character Damien Crowe, our original actor to play the part was unable to film with us due to timings and availability to film; This caused a slight change in the character profile as the next actor we found had a different nationality as we originally planned. However, it made no significant change as Damien remains in the shadows majority of the opening sequence.

Things were going as planned, with the filming of the flashback scenes, however again availability to film was starting to become a problem. Due to circumstances our second Damien Crowe was unable to film with us and complete all of the scenes before the deadline. This caused a change in actors AGAIN. Fortunately the scenes filmed involving him are easily repeated.

This is when we asked Joe Murray to fill in the role; one of our fellow media class mates. He was able to film when needed and performed a great portrayal of Damien Crowe.

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