Monday, 25 March 2013


Character : Damien Crowe
Actor : Joseph Murry

Origionally Damien Crowe was going to be played by two other different actors, however logistics got in the way and Joseph Murray kindly stepped in for the role who is another media student. Changing actors to Joe did not effect the character profile as he is still appears to be a smartly dressed young man and can give the enigma illusion, especially with his hood up which Joe had suggested during post production of filming the sequence. He was able to protray Damien's emotions for the close-ups well, and it also helped that he was not camera shy due to experience of being filmed for his own personal projects.

Costume choice was kept to a big dark coat which covered most of his body so he could blend into the shadows easily and dark trousers to match. The hood we did not ask for, however worked well and came in handy; a nice idea on Joe's part.

Character : Ms River
Actor : Alicia Arnold

Ms River appears in Damien's flashbacks for not a long period of time, however acting was required due to the close-ups on her face. We also needed someone with enough confidence to be able to portray this strong, seducing woman. Alicia was the perfect choice because she has the pretty appearance with her fare skin and long blond hair (this was before we decided to put this scene in black and white). Alicia took drama GCSE and passed with an A grade so she was able to perform in front of the camera and not be camera shy.

Costume stayed to traditional Femme Fatale, the fur coat for glamour, pear necklace for class which Alicia suggested for the character.

Character : Iga
Actor : Iga Madejowska

Iga Madejowska was always originally going to play 'Iga' within the opening sequence of our thriller and the character was styled on her. As she was the main character on screen a lot of acting was required which she was able to do and achieve what was wanted.

Iga decided on the quirky leggings so she is always recognisable on screen.

Character : Veronica
Actor : Megan Edwards

Veronica was a small character who we needed Iga to interact with and pass on the confidential note for the story looked like it was going somewhere. Megan, a member of my group, offered to play the role. A lot of acting was not required as not close-ups were required and when she was on the screen the focus was not on her, but the transaction between herself and Iga. However this being said, she did do a good job.

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