Monday 25 March 2013

Question 4

I do not believe our thriller is primarily aiming for one gender more than the other as we have covered already a lot of content within the opening sequence which is aimed for each gender such as the underlying plot of the love interest between Damien and Iga and what happened for them to find themselves in the alley. We then have the main plot which involves guns, betrayal and an attractive seductress which always attracts some attention. Also the mix of both genders means that each member of the audience has a chance to connect with someone on screen, even if it is a loose connection which is solemnly on gender.

I would say the target audience age range of our thriller is young adults (20-35 years old), due to its modern take on a nitty, gritty, nasty thriller. However the thriller could appeal to those as young as 16 due to the involvement of action which comes hand in hand when a gun appears on screen. I say this because of video games; the licenced age to buy a video game which involves the action of pointing a gun at another living being is 15 years old, however the audience must have some levels on intelligence as there will be many unanswered questions.

Meet Mathew
 Mathew is a 30 year old man who loves to solve puzzles and place clues together. Mathew has a stable job which he worked towards getting by going to university, however he is worried the love of his job will interfere with his social life putting him in a predicament. He enjoys films with a strong narrative such as a plot that he can't see where its heading, or characters who are complex such as Casino Royal or Layer Cake. Even though Mathew likes strong mainstream films, he prefers to go to Cinema City as they aim for a niche and smaller and independent films.

Meet Hannah
Hannah is a 22 year old woman who's aspiration is to work as a detective as she enjoys to look for fine detail in situations which most people over look. She enjoys going to Cinema City like Mathew for the same reason as the niche, arty, small and independent films shown. When going to the cinema its always during the day rather than the evening as she fears walking around at night in the city. When sitting at home Hannah enjoys to watch films such as "Se7en" or television programmes like "White Chapel", "The Killing" and "Dexter".
Hannah loves to watch "Dexter" as its about a male morally ambiguous character who is convinced that he is murdering to the greater good, however is considered a bad person because as being a killer is never acceptable.

Meet Harry
Harry is a 17 year old boy who is a student film maker and enjoys watching unique films which play around with conventions of a genre to produce something different and unexpected. Harry loves to play on video games with first person shooter which has given him an obsession with any film with guns or a chase. Harry has a girlfriend and is worried that his friends wont like her when they meet as his friends have the potential to make or break the relationship.

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