Monday 25 March 2013

Naming the Thriller

Naming our thriller was influenced by TV Drama's, such as Dexter, for an eponymous Hero which resulted in naming the thriller 'Crowe'; the surname of our main character. The simple title makes it memorable, and gives the audience a small insight on who the film will be about before watching it on a screen (assuming they'd somehow missed the trailer). Crowe also fits in with the theme and style of thrillers as Crowe sounds like the crow bird, which are nasty, annoying little rats with wings which are usually seen in a thrilling or tense part of a film or story.

We did take other ideas into consideration such as a title which is symbolic to the thriller opening sequence, however we did not want to give what happens away in the title before the sequence had even started. Our thriller starts giving no clue as to where the plot is heading. It's not until the alley half way through do we have some insight, and that's where the climax happens.

Titles such as "Se7en" and "Casino Royal" are brilliant and what because they're symbolic and doesn't give too much away so that the audience had already guessed the story before it's started. The problem for us was we did not film a full thriller, but just the three minute opening so the title would not be justifiable if its about the plot later on in the film.

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