Monday, 25 March 2013

Question 6


Different Media resources used!

During my whole media As Level I have learnt how to use many media programmes to present work in which i did not realise was available. For example PhotoPeach. I didn't realise this website existed and it is such a simple easy way to present photo's in an attractive and stylised presentation. All that is needed is a profile, upload photos from your computer and the website does all the hard work of creating the presentation. Next step is to upload music from either music available on the website, or from a youtube video. The website again placing the music to the presentation and it is complete!

Powerpoint have been used in a few of my blog posts for my media coursework. For example i used it during the evaluation of my thriller (Question 1). A power point is just a slide show to present information in sizable chunks with the addition of pictures. I did not learn over my time doing As media how to make a power point, i learn hot to place one on my blog.

To embed a powerpoint we need to use scribd. It is a website to upload a power point to present to an audience over the Internet. Again all we need to do to upload a powerpoint is choose the selected file and the website will convert the file into a format which is compatible. To add to our blog all we need is the embedded code.

One of my favourite ways of presenting information is using a Prezi as your not limited to what you can do, nor is there a set route or path you have to take. You're able to upload youtube videos or pictures to relate to the text on screen which can be shown in bitesize chunks. Prezi is also a collaborate programme which allows more than one person to work on the same prezi on different computer. It's great for group projects when working together.

I got the video or the powerpoint from youtube, a well known resource of finding videos to watch for free online and can be a helpful stepping stone for aspiring film makers to get their work known to the public eye. The great thing about youtube is that you will always find an audience, there will be at least one person who likes what you have created as youtube is such a big company accessible from anywhere with the Internet. I always knew how to work youtube and upload videos, but what i didn't know was how to upload a video.

Pixton is another multi-media side where we are able to create comic book strips, and is creat for storyboarding ideas together. Unfortunately i had been unable to use Pixton up until now. It's encouraging those who use it to be creative and will coax those who are not as much of a wiz on the computer to have the opportunities to be creative as those who are by the availability of templates!

Our teacher spoke to us about digital citizenship, a sense of confidence when using technology and to be apart of this growing community supporting the use of technology.

During production we used a HD canon camera. Canon's are known to be reliable and good quality and the HD proves to be useful and affective when editing our work on the quality of the image. Within the industry the quality of what is shown on screen has always been a key aspect in the media and proven the importance by the release of HD camera's and televisions "with an even better image" than the one released just a few months before.

Owning an SD card was vital if we wanted to keep hold of the footage and not have it deleted off the camera by another user. It allowed us to always know where footage was at any given point and is light, small and effective in it's use.

I learnt to use the non-linear software of 'Adobe Premiere Pro' when editing my thriller 'Crowe'. With this software i learnt how to edit, use transitions and effects to a professional level. Premiere Pro encourages creativity as it provides no templates or structures you have to follow. The creator is in complete control as to what they would like to do; the only limitation is their imagination. Premiere Pro is all in one, the sound, text, clips ect. Everything can be done on one programme which made it more simple to use than if we had to use different programmes and piece each piece together.

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